This is how I did the deal:
10 Kelloggs Apple jacks/Froot Loops, and Corn Pops $2.50 each - 10 .70 blinkies - $1 per box for promotion = $8
1 McCormick Spice $1.99 - $1 insert = .99
2 bottles of wine clearanced for $2 each = $4
$12.99 total cost and earned $4 oynso for cereal and $1 for the McCormick spice.
Will also mail in receipt for the $10 Kelloggs Calendar rebates I keep mentioning ( I traded for these on HCW - limit 8 PER HOUSEHOLD!!!!!)
This gives me a profit of $2.01 for the transaction.
If you don't have the blinkies, you can still make a decent deal by using the $1.50/2 IP coupon or the $1/2 IP coupon or $1/2 here, the .55 Cheerios or Cinnamon Toast crunch or $1.50/2 IP for various GM cereal, or the 4-11 RP insert for select Kellogg's cereals.
Also participating in the $4 off promotion are Nature Valley granola bars and nut clusters, Cheerios, Reeses Puffs cereal, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Frosted Flakes, and many more I can't think of at the moment. Make sure you have all your cellfire and shortcuts loaded before you go!
Each box I purchased also was specially marked for the Kelloggs Toy Story promotion discussed here.
I was hoping the $4.00 catalina would print for each 5 Kelloggs participating purchased in a transaction. Only one printed, right?
Yes anon, only one catalina printed for the Kelloggs.
Did only one CAT print because you bought them all in the same transaction?
Where did you find the $10 Kelloggs Calendar rebates form?
Totally OT .. but I am sat here staring at a pile of inserts that date back to Februaryy .. I had a quick look on Hotcoupon world for a list of inserts that are no longer needed but no joy :( does such a thing exist .. I really don;t want have to go through the inserts to find everything is null n void .. thanks for your help!
Anon, there is a way to search but I have to tell you it is not 100 accurate. If you go to the database and type in the date of the insert, (ex, type 04-04-10) it will show you all the coupons that are not expired, in this case in the P&G insert.
You may also want to confirm with the coupon mom database since she has a TX listing(again not always 100% accurate)
What are the details of the McCormick spice CAT? Do you know when it ends?
Jennifer - yes only one printed because I bought them in one transaction
Becky, the McCormick ends Jun 15th and I believe it is just for the new recipe inspiration things(like I purchased)
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