I also decided to do the Pillsbury Catalina deal so got
2 Crescent rolls $1.39 each - .50/2 shortcuts - .30/2 IP = 1.28
2 Grands rolls $1.29 each - $1/2 cellfire - .50/2 IP = .58 (Earned $2.50 oynso catalina for buying 4 Pillsbury)
3 Dial complete liquid soap $1.50 each - .35 insert 10-4SS = .45 each but earned $2.50 on a cough/cold product catalina(good until January!)
I also bought a package of chicken that rang up wrong, so I stopped at the service desk. While there I noticed the calendar that has some really good coupons in it
They are as follows:
.50 Ziploc bags exp 6-30-10
.50 Vanity Fair napkins 40 or 100 ct ex 12-31-09
.50 Morton Coarse Kosher salt 3lb exp 12-31-10
$1/2 King Oscar Sardine cans exp 4-30-10
.35 Manischewitz product exp 12-31-09
.50 Breyers product 48oz exp 12-31-10
$1 Snapple 6 pack 16 oz bottles exp 3-31-10
$1 Reynolds Wrap foil excludes 20, 25 and 30 ft exp 4-30-10
My krogers has a smaller dial for 10/10 and I used the .35 that triples making them free.
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