I got the Garnier as well as a freebate $3.99 - $1 coupon = earns $3.99 back +10% and the Diet DP because I am an addict, lol and I had a $10 RR to burn today.
Total oop $1.48 off my gift card (+$10 RR) and earns back ($6+3.99) *10% = 10.99
(My total oop should have been .48 but the coloring book coupon only took off for the bubble gum Triaminic and I didn't realize this until I already left the store). So my total cost should have been -.51 but was actually .49.
I guess I can still live with that! Thanks to lauren79giraffe at HCW for the Triaminic deal.
Why is that Diet Dr. Pepper so good?? I don't know, but I love it too! Great Walgreens trip!
Julie @ KingdomKlipper
My coloring book coupon beeped so they wouldn't take it. Any idea why that is?
That is odd. Were you purchasing the exact items listed on the coupon? If so, I would have left the transaction there and gone to another store. Sounds like that one may not have their computers programmed correctly.
from the blogs I have read, it seems you can use a manufactured coupon WITH the in-ad coupon at walgreens? For example, the foil that was in the ad last week -coupon for $.89. You had to use that coupon to get the foil for.89. Do they let you use your own coupon with that?
I just discovered Walgreens now lets you do the rebate catalog online! Yeah! So much easier!
annmas, at Walgreens (and CVS) you can use 1 store coupon and 1 manufacturer coupon per item. So yes, in the case of the foil, you could use a manufacturer coupon as well as the in ad coupon. For the Triaminic the coloring book coupon is a store coupon and thus can be combined with manufacturer coupon.
Thank you Zoey! I wish I would of known this a long time ago! Thanks to your blogging, I know now!
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