3 Purina One dog food $1.39 - free coupons(these will be going to my mom's dogs)
3 Tennessee Pride sausage gravy $1 - $1 coupons = free
3 Johnson Buddies bars $1.09 - $1 = .09 each(my sister's kiddos love these)
2 Pillsbury cinnamon rolls $1 - .30 tripled = .10 each
3 Pillsbury Crescent rolls $1 - .35 tripled = free
I think I will use up the rest of my Crescent roll coupons that expire on 2-28 and save the rest for the catalina deal. Read all about the catalina here.
Thanks for the new dates on the Pillsbury cat. I was going today but will wait as our sales last through Wed. In thinking about this, I wondered can you buy 10 cans and get 2 $3 OYNO cats or do you need to break it down into 2 transactions of 5 each. The reason I ask is I have lots of coupons for several of the different items - biscuits, crescents, sweet rolls. Between the Qs and the cat many will be free. Can you get multiple identical catalinas in a single transaction? Thanks for posting your deals. I would love to attend an advanced class but I live in Indiana. Seeing what you do and how you do it really saves me alot of $$$$. -Melissa
Melissa, for this particular catalina, you will need to break the transaction up. Good rule of thumb: if it is an increasing catalina (b1 get x, b2 get y) then you will only get 1 per transaction.
If it is buy x number get y, MOST times these will print multiples in the same transaction.
I hope that clarifies a bit.
Hi - can you tell me with Kroger's new coupon policy (I am in the Houston area too), is it 3 tripled coupons per week or per trip?
Also, is there a posting of the catalina deals at the store/website or just on HCW?
Thanks - you are doing great things with help all of us with your great tips and hints!
We went yesterday 03/02 for the CAT, but it didn't print, I called the store when we got home and thet will refund us the $3. I have the CAT that shows the promotion so will be taking that in with me when we go tonight.
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